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Workflow Editor and Code Generator

This tool is a graphical editor of a workflow structure, which can generate a Python code for the simulation. It is based on MuPIF Workflow Generator, which provides the Python class or execution code generation.

MuPIF Workflow Editor, is a graphical extension for MuPIF Workflow Generator to compose the simulation workflows, define the simulation parameters and generate the Python code easily.

How to install on Ubuntu:

apt-get install python3-pyqt5
pip install termcolor
pip install mupif
git clone
git clone

How to install on Windows:

pip install pyqt5
pip install termcolor
pip install mupif
git clone
git clone

On both these operating systems you need to add the paths of workflowgenerator and workfloweditor to the system variable PYTHONPATH.

Runnig the examples:

# An empty workflow
python workfloweditor/workfloweditor/examples/example01_empty/

# Thermo-Mechanical simulation
# 1) A class workflow of the thermo-mechanical simulation.
python workfloweditor/workfloweditor/examples/example02_tm_cantilever/
# 2) An execution workflow using the thermo-mechanical class workflow from the line above together with export to VTK.
python workfloweditor/workfloweditor/examples/example02_tm_cantilever/
wiki/workfloweditor.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/09 10:45 by bp